Another Great Addition to the series.

User Rating: 10 | Halo 3 X360
Honestly this is one of the better games of the halo series, at the time it was sad to see it ending. But now that the other halo's have come out and there is a halo 4 in the upcoming year, its just another great edition to the series. I really hope that 343 studios and microsoft get it right in the upcoming halo games because i can speak for many gamers when i say that this series is one of the best in the business. The multiplayer was amazing and a good breather from the noobs in cod, it was a place where everyone is on the same playing field and can have a good time. The halo community is one of if not the best gaming communities to this date and everyone enjoys anothers company. The new forge mode in this game allowed everyone to make great maps of their own creation to play with their friends in interesting ways. The campaign itself was great as always with master chief and his 'sidekick' the arbiter blasting through the missions and listening to srg johnson say his bad ass lines really make the game rememorable.