Halo 2.5

User Rating: 6.5 | Halo 3 X360
This Game although a very good looking game visually, it is a game that is in no way worth the hype or the review that it has recived.

Like most the 360 gamers out there I lined up at midnight to get my copy of this game, and now wishing I was in bed asleep like a normal person I got my copy of Halo 3.

And to make millions of enemies world wide, not just my little nich in Australia, I can not rate this game at all.

It is one of the most buggy, poorly developed games that I have seen on any platform in quite a while and the only reason that this is over looked is a four letter word H A L O. Bungie could sell Halo cyanide and people would take it. Halo is in essences the Mario of Xbox and as long as they make the games we will play them, but looking at this game I see nothing more then a upgraded version of Halo 2, but more buggy.

This is a major let down to the series but regardless of what myself and a few others say this will be a great game for some, but not me.......