Should you Finish the Fight?

User Rating: 10 | Halo 3 X360
Well, I want to start out by saying that Bungie has done a fantastic job fixing the problems of the last Halo games. They have nailed the level design this time, making sure that each level has it's own unique feel, and strategic qualities. The AI is possibly the best I've seen so far in any game. As far as enemies go the Brutes are the group that recieved a major face lift this time around. They now fight with much better tactics, and don't just charge you and try to bash your face in. The equipment in the game make every fight drastically different from the last. The storytelling is okay, although not really one of Halo 3's strong points. If you liked the storytelling in the last two installments, then you'll be happy, but those who didn't care for it before still won't. The story ends well enough, even if there are a few too many loose ends that don't get tied up. Now the part of Halo that we all love, the multi-player. Let's face it people most likely won't come back to Halo 3 for the campaign, but that's okay because the multiplayer is beyond anything on consoles right now. New additions include Forge and Theatre mode. In Forge players are given the ability to not change the level physically, but to alter the way items are placed on the map and what items appear. I've already put many hours into creating wildly different maps, and I've had a blast doing so. Theatre is actually the thing that is the most fun to me. I love having the ability to go back and watch a match observing what I did wrong or right, and making clips and screenshots to send to my friends. This game is so packed with content, it will keep you playing for many years. Halo 3 is a phenomenal game and is an absolute must buy for any gamer that calls themselves a shooter fan, and has an Xbox 360.