One of my favorite shooter games.

User Rating: 10 | Halo 3 X360
This game is one of the best games that I have played in my life. With its thrilling campaign and addictive multi-player, it's one of the best shooter games yet. I have played halo 4 and halo reach and I think that halo 3 has better guns, maps, and colors then both of them. I have played the campaign about a thousand times and its still fun. I honestly think that halo 3 is a meant to be classic. It's not to bright and its not to dim, it's just right. The music is great to, in the campaign they play music that encourages me. Action sack is a great game mode where you play these games that are made just for fun. One of my favorites is griffball where there are two teams in a giant box like room. There is a bomb in the middle and its basically just like neutral assault but everybody has a war hammer and an energy sword and you have to get the bomb to the enemy side to plant it and it takes one second for it to detonate. There are multiple rounds and after each score starts a new round. It is really really really fun and addictive. There are many more addicting games in action sack. This is why I think halo 3 is a very awesome game, it's worth the money. Be sure to buy it. Thanks for reading this, we'll see you in matchmaking.