Not bad, just not great either. Click if you want an honest review about this overhyped game.

User Rating: 6.5 | Halo 3 X360
Halo: Combat evolved was an amazing game. With great storytelling, graphics, and its simple-but-innovative shooting system, it was easy to fall in love with. This game became a smash hit and brought the Xbox to popularity. Sadly they had to make Halo 2 which wasn't anything different than the first except for some better graphics, new weapons, new storyline, and online play. They online play aspect is what got everyone hooked, making Halo even more popular.
Now they had to go make Halo 3. I was looking forward to this and was considering buying a 360 just for that game. However, upon playing it multiple times at my friends house I have gathered enough information on the game to tell you it's not that great,
Don't get me wrong, the game is fun. But it's nothing superior to something I have already played. It's not by far the best game ever and the story is short and at times confusing if you haven't played the first two games. Don't say that it's my fault for not playing the first games, in a good story you must briefly re-visit the major parts of the story of the past. Not to only get the news players on track, but as a refresher as well. The story does not do that at all and frankly I got sick of it. Here, I'll go into detail about the good and the bad things about the game.
The Good:
The weapons are freaking awesome. Nothing is more satisfying then firing a Spartan Laser at your friend. Not to mention the gernades are very inventive.
The graphics are beautiful.
Forge mode is fun and has endless possibilities.
The multiplayer is fun.
Being able to play back your gameplay videos is fun. But lets face it, every game has that now.
The Bad:
The story is way to short. I'm sorry, but a game that takes me a night and couple of caffinated sodas to drink is not a long story. Some of the characters are just freakin annoying(Oracle) and if you miss all but one second of the dialouge you're going to be lost for the entirety of the game. In one level you must free a city once inhabited by the convenant that is now home to the flood. Here you must save your digital lady friend Cortana and get the heck out of there. Now, upon playing through this level the King of the Flood keeps pausing the game to scream at you. He says how you're gonna die and to turn back and blah blah blah. This part made me scream at the game, "I get it! Stop pausing the *censored* game and let kill some flood!"
To add to that the story has absolutely no depth and made me want to throw up. There is probably one boss battle at the end of the game where you are fighting the equivalent to a retarted kid in a wheelchair trying to fire a laser at you. This is no fun especially since you have a Spartan Laser(The game's super gun) to kill the idiot with.
The gameplay in the story is very repetitive and got me bored instantly. Go to this destination, shoot some people. Next destination, shoot some more people. Dialouge. Get in the vehicle, shoot some more people. Oh look! You beat the level!
The cooperative AI in this game just plain sucks. I mean really you out there getting your butt kicked and your allies just stand there like a bunch of three-year-old girls hiding from a big bad alien.
I'll give you another example of this. In one part of the game I'm driving a Jeep with a turret on the back(Warthog) and am encountered by an enemy tank. Here I am circling around the tank hoping the AI would fire at it but frankly it seemed as if it was shooting at butterflies. Then I took control over the turret and the AI drove me into a rock and got us blown up. It seems as if they were programmed to just drive anywhere as long as your moving. Heck I was driven off a couple cliffs because of them.
The game has no difficulty to it. I beat the game on normal thinking it was easy. So I wanted a challenge and jumped to Legendary mode which frankly is as hard as trying to make a bowl of cereal. This gave me no sense of satisfaction and made me want to throw the game out the window.
The game is all to focused on the multiplayer. I played through the games story in hours and played multiplayer only to find that everyone's beaten the bloody game on legendary and has the best armor. I then play the multiplayer which is fun for two hours and then I got bored. Seriously, the game has a 10-hour story but the multiplayer has enough content to make a Final Fantasy game out of. This is where I get P.O.ed because I play a game for an epic story not repetitive online play.
Overall, this game is OK, it's not bad, but it's not great either. It's like owning a PSP but being dissapointed by the lack of good games. Just in this case it's the lack of good content.
Okay, look. If you hyped this game a year before it came out go buy it now. You won't be dissapointed. Otherwise, unless you're between the ages of 10-15, buy yourself a better game because frankly there are TONS of better games out there than this. Unless of course you have all of those better games then go ahead buy this one when it's about 30$ because fankly it's not worth the 60$ price tag/