ODST isnt the best Halo game but dedicated fans wont complain.

User Rating: 8.5 | Halo 3: ODST X360
Audio: 8.5/10
Good voice acting that is hurt by lack of dialouge between characters, Sound effects are solid but recycled from Halo 3, and the soundtrack isnt as good as Halo 3 either.

Visuals: 9/10
Character models look good and the environments look good as well but once again it's not as good overall as the previous game.

Playability: 8.5/10
Same Halo combat that we know and love from the previous game, Nothing has changed for ODST and that is highly disapointing because it makes the game seem like a recycled waste of time.

Delivery: 8.5/10
Campaign isnt as long as the previous game but it offers a solid side story that is worth listening too. The addition of Firefight mode is a great addition and really saves this game from being a huge waste of time and money. The reason I hate this game so much is because it's so heavily recycled from Halo 3, I dont wanna pay 60 dollars for a game that is so similar to a game I already own.

Achievements: 8.5/10
Achievements are easier to get in ODST because of lack of multiplayer achievements, Wont take as much time either but the Firefight achievements can be a bit bothersome if you dont have any solid players around you.

Overall: 8.5/10
Too much is recycled from Halo 3 to make ODST as good as it could be but the addition of Firefight mode saves it from the depths of disapointment.