Halo 3 Odst is good game in a good series

User Rating: 7.5 | Halo 3: ODST X360
Halo 3 Odst is a great game that some dont like it as much as the others but it just as good if not a bit better than halo 3 to me anyway onto the Graphics the graphics have'nt really changed much since halo 3 they might have improved a bit but not much the area's in this one are a bit different to halo 3 but they have'nt improved that much but there still really good.

Gameplay is exactly the same as the others all the controls are the same all the weapons are the same except you cant dual wield like in all the other as your just a normal soldier not spartan but apart from that it is all the same as the others.

Story is good like the others its set before halo 3 you play as the rookie you and your squad crash land in loads of separate places you play as the rookie the least you tring to find your team you play as the people your tring to find you play what happened to them when you play as the rookie you search for clues from where they might be or what happened to them the story goes on from there but overall it's just as good as the others.

Replay there's alot of replay once you finish the 5/7 hours long campaign there's firefight mode where you fight hoards of enemies and achievement's to get and there's online which is exactly the same online as halo 3 so if you didnt play halo 3 that online is on odst overall there's quite a'bit of replay that will last a long while but now reach is out if you got that your be playing that on online.

Graphics 7.0/10

Gameplay 8.0/10

Story 8.0/10

Replay 7.5/10

Value 8.0/10

Overall 7.5/10 GOOD
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