The only reason i got XBOX!

User Rating: 8.5 | Halo 2 XBOX
This game was the only reason i sold off my dear Playstation 2 to get XBOX and Halo 2 was the very first game i bought with it.this game has been the pioneer of FPS Games on Consolessince the original came out Bungie software has revolutionized this particular Genre.

GRAPHICS:in 2004 these graphics were ground breaking for a console to showcase Bungie literally pushed the old XBOX to its limits with this game well there were other games which were benchmarks in graphics Like Chronicles of Rddick,Doom 3 to name a few.

GAMEPLAY:this game was benchmark for FPS gameplay in consoles the regenerative health shield was great in its time.levels were both large open ended & small where shootout were a challenge thanks ti the AI which really was a no brainer.

SOUND&VALUE:its soundtrack was a huge hit among fans its campaign story wasnt finished until Halo 3.