Halo 2 is fast-paced, stylish, and lots of fun.

User Rating: 9 | Halo 2 XBOX
Story - 4/5
Picking up soon after the events of Halo, the single-player campaign for Halo 2 starts off strong and rarely lets up its pace. Seeing the Arbiter's side of the story adds more depth to the epic storyline. In the end, only thing this story lacks are some complex and believable villains and a more satisfying ending.

Gameplay - 4/5
With the addition of several new human and alien weapons, a couple of new vehicles, and the ability to dual-wield, combat in Halo 2 is incredibly fun. A lot of the missions in the campaign lack a sense of direction though, and too often you find yourself either backtracking or completely lost.

Graphics - 5/5
Visuals in Halo 2 are sharp and colorful, and will age exceptionally well. The animations in all the cutscenes were fun to watch, too.

Sound - 5/5
The orchestral score for the game is epic, uplifting, and exciting at all the right times. The voice acting is excellent.

Lasting Appeal - 5/5
It's easily the most popular game on Xbox Live for a reason; the multiplayer in Halo 2 is competitive and fun, and there's a great variety of maps to play on.

Overall - 5/5