This game will give you the best time of your life from killing aliens of friends you will have a amazing time.

User Rating: 9.6 | Halo 2 XBOX
We all remember halo right?you should because its an revolutionary game for any first person shooter.Well that game just got a lot better. halo 2 has come with single player co-op and my favrote mulitiplayer online or offline.with a good storyline (except the ending) is amazing and now you can plays as masterchief or an elite that look astounding in play and cut sceens.This game is awsome so lets go over it. The gameplay is so great that you will play again and play as two roles masterchief the spartan warrior who is defending earth.....again and the arbiter the elite who is trying to stop the brutes from takeing the elites spot in the defenders of the find out the the world the you get teleported is a wepon and chief is once again trying to save the galaxy. The graphic are incredable once they look so pure and along with the sound totaly perfect in every way. you could by this game in 2004 and play it until 2024 you will love this game.