not to bad for 2600.

User Rating: 8 | Halloween 2600
when playing this game you have to keep in mind its from 1983, at this time games did not have amazing graphics and amazing story lines.
"Halloween" on the atari 2600 is actually one of the best games i can recall playing for that system.
Graphics: 8/10, not much to expect here seeing as it was on the 2600, but for a 2600 game the graphics are done quite well.
Sound/music: 6/10, again not much to expect, not the best on the 2600 and not the worst, pretty mediocre.
Gameplay: 9/10, at first it's interesting and entertaining but after a while you will feel like your going in circles (which you are pretty much). taking into account that the game is for 2600 the story is very well done in my opinion, follows the movie line pretty well, only one problem is that the game is extremely repetitive and therefore will get "boring" after a while, of course almost every game is like that so you cant be to mad.

Bottom line: Fairly well done, but not if you are into games with amazing graphics
and great story lines then im sorry this game is not for you. Only for the old school hardcore gamers. =D