Creepy and Slick

User Rating: 9 | Half-Life PC
I didn't know what to think when I first tried this game. At the time this game came out, I only owned the SNES so I never had played any game that was scary and dark. There are definatly moments in the game that just bug you out and make you jump out of your skin. It was also the most difficult game I had played since Zelda III because the only other shooter games I played were stuff like Contra and T2 the Arcade Game. You gotta some how fight through to the surface after a nuclear disaster rocks this huge secret facility and now all of a sudden, you gotta fight these freaky creatures that try to eat humans and trying to solve puzzles and open doors because the facility is all haywire. The game definatly is pretty graphic and deservingly so received the MA rating. Ha, there are moments in that game that still stay with me, like when these two dudes get pulled into a ventilation shaft and then you see blood and limbs fly out of the shaft. Its easy to be creeped out when you're looking for something thinking that some thing could be watching you, waiting to pounce and kill you if it can. In fact, an ex g-f bought this game and asked the clerk for the most violent game they had, sounds kinda weird but at least she got a good game. The puzzles in this game is great. You need to be able to keep track of where you're going or your going to get lost. Keep an eye out for health and ammo packs as in any type of these games. Its a pretty intense game, so if you hate seeing blood, guts, and gore, try a game that won't freak you out at night when you need to go to the bathroom.