The greatest first person shooter of all time!

User Rating: 10 | Half-Life PC
well what can we say about Half-life that has not already been said? Not much, but im going to give my own personal review anyway.

you play as Gordon Freeman a theoretical physicist assigned to Black Mesa Labs to take part in a experiment that goes horribly wrong and unleashes an alien like race from here on you have to battle your way to the surface.

Half-Life for me is the most original shooter ever made,the artificial intelligence is the best i have ever seen and were now in 2012.

Enemies include Headcrabs, Zombies, Sandworms, Aliens that zap lightening and of course the massively clever Marines, the weapons in this game are your usual arsenal from pistols to shotguns, later in the game you get alien like weapons which are always a blast to use and are extremely powerful.

The environments in this game are just pure fun to play through, one area called "on a rail" has some of the most original level design i have ever seen there are multiple ways to complete this area as you constantly get off an on your cart shooting arrows to change the tracks its fantastic.

as the story progresses an odd man carrying a briefcase stalks you for reasons not yet explained still to this day, the mystery that surrounds it has many half-life fans seeking the most weird of answers it certainty is interesting.

Half-life's difficulty feels just normal for me though there are some really hard set pieces especially the area "Surface Tension" in which you must dodge tanks, mines and helicopters its a real a struggle to get through but very entertaining.

The only minor complaint is the alien world your forced to go through near the very end of the game called "Xen" its not much fun to play through and the game becomes to feel a little too long at this point as this is a very long game, possibly the longest First person shooter ever.

Half-life is an instant classic that must be played