ALL FPS' preceeding it immediately became obsolete; and all that since followed have felt it's influence!

User Rating: 9.8 | Half-Life PC
I'm not sure what else can be said about this truly revolutionary game, so I'll keep this short and to-the-point... ANYONE who rates this game less than a 9.0 (out-of-10) is either brain-dead, lacks any knowledge of (or doesn't care about) FPS history, and/or perhaps wasnt yet PC-gaming at the time of it's release. I'll make it simple for those who may disagree or not understand: Half-Life's impact on the FPS genre is the equivalent of the "Star Wars" influence to Sci-Fi film-making (Quake was the "2001" of it's time). A Revolutionary Single-Player game; Outstanding Death-Match; Team-Fortress Classic; and a player-mod' that changed the world: COUNTER-STRIKE!!