Classic Role Play that has fond memoreies for all who played it.

User Rating: 10 | Half-Life PC
One of the all time great games. I loved the way Gordon Freeman, gets unexpectedly dragged into the plot to become our hero fighting not only the alien life forms but also the big brother of Black Mesa. The idea of staring the game underground in the Black Mesa facilities and then progressively taking it to the daylight of the earths surface and then finally to teleport to the dark recesses of space kept my interest from beginning to end. The difficulty was perfect and deeply satisfying when finishing each level of the game. I spent a lot of time on some levels as I kept dyeing but that was part of the challenge that kept me coming back for more. I brought the Orange Box and played Half Life 2 but it just wasn't as good as the original. Its a shame they couldn't include it in Orange Box for younger players to experience.
FOR: Great graphics for its time, awesome story line, outstanding missions and challenges, great weapons, a true classic.
AGAINST: Nothing really.