MASTERPIECE that set a new standard in the video game industry!

User Rating: 10 | Half-Life: Alyx PC

The game is truly a MASTERPIECE!

Valve has once again proved that they set a new standard and move the entire video game industry forward, providing players with new sensations and indelible impressions, while using modern technologies, namely virtual reality glasses.

From the beginning to the end, the game is simply imbued with the charm of the same Half-Life 2. The gameplay, as in the previous Half-Life game, always changes and does not let the player get bored. The game contains puzzles that are more related to interaction with the environment, exciting shootouts, frightening horror elements, stealth aspects, a beautiful and detailed environment that is very interesting to consider and with which you can interact, great music that changes depending on the situation, great humor and dialogues, live characters, and a chic presentation of the story that ends on an intriguing note. Rating: 10/10