Ground breaking technology-wise.

User Rating: 8.5 | Half-Life 2 PC
What's to like:
- Fast saving times
- Respectful to its predecessor
- Good graphics
- Great animations
- Great lighting (ambient and flashlight)
- Solid First Person Shooter
- Superb facial expressions and lip sync
- Superb voice over, music and sounds effects
- Superb physics

What you may not like:
- Very linear
- Weak enemy AI
- Weak NPC AI (teammates) when inside buildings
- Very easy enemies
- Under developed story
- Very easy last boss
- Little character depth
- Weak ending
- Max resolution 1280x1024?
- Where is the population?
- Infinite spawns behind you (Cardinal sin)

Story - "Thank God you're here Dr. Freeman"

You may remember the original Half-Life and how innovative the game was. It was the first one to really merge an FPS with an involving story.

This time around, the story has been put aside a little to make more room to technological innovation, leaving you with very little of a story to get a grip on.

Through out the game, you will be mostly asked to move from point A to point B each time with a similar conclusion: "We're happy to see you, now try this (hands over a power up)". There is little sense of progressing in the story.

The leader of the city, whom you are supposedly going after (not much emphasis is put on the reasons) has little background information. Everyone tells you to go after him, so you kind of feel doing a bit of everyone else's work.

The bulk of the story will happen mostly during the last moments of the game and will make you wonder if there was any real purpose to everything you did up to that point.

Fortunately, the last segments are very good and will boost your overall appreciation of the story, just like a boxer that steals a round in its very last seconds.

Game - Awesome action: this is where HL2 shines

Story put aside, the action is just pure fun.

The weapons behave like you would like them to and are a blast to use. Not to mention the sound track that kicks in which sounds very "Half-Life style" and is very invigorating.

Also, the lighting is so well done that you really feel in control.

Most of the weapons are fun to use, but there is an innovative new tool to use, the Gravity Gun.

Gravity Gun
The "Gravity Gun" is the most unique tool/weapon that you will use. This tool allows you to pick up and throw objects. On many occasions there will be some very easy puzzles in which you will need to use it in order to move forward. It can also be used as a weapon to lift barrels and the sort and throw them at your enemies.

A special note about the gravity gun: near the end of the game, it will turn into a "super gravity gun". It will allow you to pull heavier objects, like humanoids. Though this will be fun the first few times, you will quickly notice how overpowered it actually is and may not find any enemies challenging.

It goes to say that the Gravity Gun really shows off the very realistic physics engine of the game.

There is extensive use of vehicles in HL2. You will be given an airboat to go over water and later on, some kind of cart to go on ground. The actual feeling while driving is very realistic and you generally have good control over them. The only downside at times is you get the feeling you need to baby-sit your cart, as they are part of some puzzles.

Enemies - Some worth mentioning

When walking over sand, insects will come out (they look like smaller versions of the ones seen in "Starship Troopers"). Those come in an infinite number so don't bother killing them all (but you're welcome to try!). One good thing to know is that later in the game you will get to control them with something familiar to a grenade. That segment of the game is just _tons_ of fun. The critters will move and attack where ever you throw your grenade at. If you squeeze it, they will follow you like little pets.

The zombies found in Half-Life 2 may seem easy to kill at first glance because of their slow moving speed, but if you don't respect them, they can actually take you down a lot quicker than any other enemy found in the game. This is especially true in that one segment that could have been borrowed from Silent Hill (another horror game).

There are also some Cumbine airships, Striders (that look like giant aliens with a turret) and many Cumbine soldiers that behave like clones, considering their very poor combat skills and hollow personalities.

It is also worth mentioning that HL2 has some segments with infinite enemy respawns behind you (Zombie town and the sands) which can be a bit aggravating before you actually figure this out. This is an FPS no-no, but at least it doesn't happen too often.

Conclusion – Technology over Story development? You decide.

If you want to enjoy a solid FPS with some great story moments you will _completely_ enjoy Half-Life 2. On the other hand, if you are expecting a full story-driven game, you might be left hanging a little.

Still, Half-Life 2 is among the firsts to incorporate such advanced physics, great graphics and extremely well done facial expressions into PC games.
That alone raised the bar for future games to come and we can only be thankful for that.

Score was increased based on the Orange Box value, which makes this game an even better deal for your money, 8.5/10.