The Return of the FPS

User Rating: 9.7 | Half-Life 2 PC
this is the game that contiues the game that made FPS games amazing and as fun as they are. i've played a little bit of the first game and it felt exacilly like Half-Life 2 is. Half-Life 2 is the king of the PC just like Halo is the King of the Xbox and Metroid is the king of the Gamecube. the gameplay is this game is amazing, even that you are always as Gordon Freeman and there isn't a single movie it still feels like a sci-fi movie. there are great weapons, enemys as levels. the maps are really good looking and not just because this game looks amazing but it's really great looking there's city 17, the open sweres, the runid city the railroads and many more to gorgers places, the last thing about gameplay is that the enemys are a little bit to easy but still really fun to kill them.
the garpics in this game are as i said amazing. the people look so realistic and the it's just so hard to explain how great this game is that the only bad thin about this game in grapics is that for today they look okey but not as amazing as it is, before we finish this i need to say about the sound is that it's perfect in every way i mean it sounds even better (the voice acting) than GTA and they put in music to really give a good feeling of a sci-fi action movie. at the end this is why PC rule the FPS games and this is keeps the new feeling that the first game did. i can't say that this is my favourite game because that's me but this is one of my favourite games of all time.