I was absolutely delighted by the greatness of this game

User Rating: 8.3 | Half-Life 2 XBOX
I was not overjoyed to see half life 2 under the christmas tree this year. I had read some not so great reviews from you guys(and that's who I trust because we aren't getting paid to review the games). Someone got it for me because they thought the package was cool. What a totally pleasant and awesome surprise when I actually started to play it.

The good: Almost no learning curve, you can jump in and go. Only point in the game that takes some time is learning to drive the dirt buggy and learning to work the crane. The weapons are awesome, I mean come on, who doesn't love a gravity gun. Something that can pick up a circular saw blade and throw it with enough force to cut someone in half is a weapon that everyone should have. The enemies are cool. Ya gotta love it when brain sucking crabs get tossed at you like baseballs, there are creatures that try and poison you to death while different creatures are trying to dissembowel you, And lions the size of a dune buggy, and the cops are shooting at you with guns, lasers, and mines like bowling balls that just keep following you around.

The bad. Load times suck. I mean that sincerely. If you don't like waiting for levels to load, you are not gonna like this game. Graphics are good, but nothing spectacular. Frame rate is erratic, but most games have spots where frame rate is erratic. It was too short. The game is pretty easy. Even on the harder settings it is pretty easy. And the worst thing about half life 2......................IT WAS WAY TO SHORT.

Truly an exceptional game it what is quickly becoming a sea of mediocrity.