Great Continuation of the Half-Life Franchise.

User Rating: 7.5 | Half-Life 2: Episode One PC
Episode One is a continuation of the Half-Life 2 storyline. Dr. Freeman si yet again a convict of the surviving Combine Forces and with the help of Alex and the Resistance he must find a way to get the message to white forest of an impending attack and its possible destruction.

Just like its Predessesors the Engine of the game is top rate giving it lush toned graphics and on the right computer a semless gameplay experiance. The weapons of the game are the same youve seen it its original and can bring a whole new level of entertainment to the game as well as the great and imfimous Crab-Head army of zombies to blast your way through.

The game lacks a multi-player expansion of any kind but who cares. other than continuing the story a new multi player would be pointless as its already perfected and sold seperatly.

I Suggest this game to any Half-Life fan or Fans of Heavly story orriented Games or just plain graphics loves because even after being a few years old its Graphics are still above average.