The previous Half-Life title and all follow up titles were really good, but this title is simply Amazing.

User Rating: 9 | Half-Life 2: Episode One PC
The previous Half-Life title and all follow up titles were really good, but this title is simply Amazing. I would have to say that Half-Life 2 is my new favorite FPS. The story line continues where the previous title left off and continues it well. The graphics are fantastic, almost real to life in some areas. The game play and mechanics are all great, easy controls and no detectable quirks or hiccups. The sound is great, dark ambiance with moments of excitement and stress. The characters are very life like with deep facial expressions and matched lip to voice movements. People familiar with the previous Half-Life title will have no problem picking up the new controls. The story line is deep and intriguing and leaves the player wanting more when all is said and done. An amazing achievement by all current standards.