A surprising blast of a game!! Very addictive to revisit over and over!!

User Rating: 9 | Hades PS5

Hades Review (PS5)-

Being a gamer since the early 90's, I tend to play a lot of different types of videogames. I love RPGs, action adventure types, survival horrors, I have a varied taste. One genre I do NOT have much of a fondness for before are roguelikes. I have seen tons of em and I have tried a few here and there, but before Hades I never saw anything truly worthy of my time or money. They usually revolve around a difficult style of gameplay that continues to get harder every time you play, to the point of becoming almost impossible to enjoy. These days a new roguelike releases every other day and somehow, despite all of this, I decided to try it out. After all, I have heard very high praise being peppered on the game.

Ultimately, it is a choice I am very glad I decided to make!! Hades is an absolute joy to play!! Not only does the game excel in nearly every important department, but it also completely revitalizes what the genre could aspire to in the future. Every game and further attempt, you are rewarded with many new conversations with A+ voice acting and sound design. You are also rewarded with much more than that which I will dive into deeper further in this review. It is quite simple to see how Hades won so many game of the year awards after it's initial debut on the Nintendo Switch last year. It shines even more so now on Playstation 5.

Hades begins by introducing you to Zagreus, Hades only son. Being immortal along with the rest of the community of the Underworld, Zagreus is forever destined to roam the halls of Tartarus, never to see the surface world again. This fate does not sit well with Zagreus and he soon learns of his mother's whereabouts. Vowing to be reunited with her no matter what, Zagreus begins his journey to do the impossible. Break out of Tartarus and make it to the surface. To do this, he will not only have to venture through Tartarus, but will have to make it through Asphodel, Elysium & finally the final border of the Underworld and the surface. Zagreus will be forced to fight many different types of foes as he attempts these escapes, and this is where the foundation for the roguelite gameplay comes into play. Each playthrough begins with a gift being bestowed upon Zagreus, whether that be a weapon upgrade or a boon from the god-cousins of Olympus, who have all agreed to help their "dear" cousin escape the Underworld. These boons all differ depending on who you accept them from, for instance, Dionysus, the God of Wine, offers boons that cause opponents to suffer from an illness known in game as hangover, which sees the enemy taking damage for several seconds after you hit them. The God of Thunder, Zeus, will offer boons that can see enemies being struck by lightning after being hit. There are many different famous Olympians being depicted here and they offer some game-changing powers that will most definitely come in handy during your escapades.

What really and truly sets Hades apart from the norm is the surprises that keep giving the more you play. You will almost never hear the same lines of dialogue twice and even after many many failures and successes the game still manages to throw in yet another reason why you should not cease playing. You are given the bare minimum of advantages when you begin, but stay with it and after awhile you will have amassed quite the formidable skills. Each time you can begin with your choice of weapon ranging from a heart seeking bow, a sturdy shield, a gun that is a joy to handle, an average sword, a deadly long spear and last but not least, gauntlets, so you can unleash your inner Mike Tyson on the denizens of the Underworld. All are a blast to experiment with. The upgrades the game provides not only makes your weapons way more deadly and powerful, but they fundamentally change the way you play with them. Your handy gun can go from firing semi auto to launching 6 different explosives across a very wide area. Finding what each one does and how it changes each function of your weapons is fun and addictive.

There is a very smart design behind all the facets of how this world works. The rewards and currencies are all so brilliantly thought out that it all just seems to click very smoothly. The codex provided as you play keeps up-to date details about your enemies, your allies and your powers so you can stay informed. The game constantly surprises you with new dialogue and it is an understatement to say that there is a WHOLE lot of dialogue, crisply recorded by professionals throughout the game. Zagreus will carry over some power from his previous playthroughs, so there is definitely the sensation of getting things accomplished. Almost every time you journey through the Underworld do you uncover some new and usually interesting new factor that comes into play in very neat ways. A gift from Poesidon grants you the ability to fish at random spots throughout the maps. There are many amazing little surprises that are sure to make any fan happy. Hades is also quite beautiful to look at. The crisp environments glow and burn bright with red and green. Zagreus will have to fight several bosses who will taunt you and test your nerve, but you will never hear the same lines twice and these bosses remember your past attempts and what weapons you wielded. They will comment on things such as this and this contributes to the feeling of things staying fresh and new. Hades remains an addictive title, one you will want to continue coming back to time and again. Whether for finishing upgrading your powers or just to hear new dialogue from your favorite demigod, Hades will continue to astonish you with new encounters and delights. This is the best roguelite yet!!