Pro or pants, this game is the dogs bollocks.

User Rating: 9.5 | Gunz The Duel PC
Most online games involve you killing someone and this is no exception but is incredibly unique. Gunz is the child of never before heard of game company Maiet entertainment. And entertaining it is. The most incredible thing about it is that you don't need to be a high level to be great. I find that awesome. With enough practice you can be level 12 and take down giant 60s. The best stratergy I found was to stand dead still and empty. They hate that as they always move.

Anyway this is a third person shooter and dead simple controls, you use your mose to look, keys to move and perform little dives and wheel to chain gun. Nice and simple. We see the basic gun element. But then this game slips on it's own. In a matrix stylee sort of way, you can run up walls, jump off walls, perform incredible leaps and all of these really helps you survvie and allows people to develop their own style, making the game awesomely unique.

Then we move on to the next weapon, the sword. And now everythig changes. With the sword out, your dive becomes a dash, bullets can be blocked and walls become a second road. Everything picks up and all of a sudden, it is fight time and you'r ready. The sword is almost the opposite of the gun and the two blend phenomanly well. The sword blocks bullets and slices, whilst gun goes for long range and slaughter.

Along with this there are countless modes of play and levels. One imparticular is assasin, where one man is a target of high intensity colour and the other team have to take him down. Dead fun when running, not so fun when dieing. I strongly advise the more the merrier here. Another is quest where you and 3 others take on the game itself to get cash.

And after a big fight with your own unique taste, you come in and get unique armour. Admitadely you do need to spend real money to get the special stuff, but it's a free game, and it won't cost more than £10 or $20 to get everything you want, and it's more than worth it. And no in game cash can't be used to get the items.

There are a few faults though. The game has alot of hackers in it. Normally they are kicked or you leave, but they are annoying. The other problem is the game's graphics are a bit weak considering. But I like them, they do throw in lots of colours and it is nice to be in, but ageing a bit. I will say it isn't graphics that make the game, but the game itself, but all the same guys, come on, get it updated. However it does mean pretty much all computers can run it.

It is also a bit confusing to get to work. You need to go to get the north america edition on the website and it works with that, international and all. I dunno it is a tad confusing.

This is THE best online internet game at the moment. Or at least the fastest pace and the most fun to play with the least amount of grind, but I get the feeling if this was an mmorpg it's quality would be greatly improved. in fact, it would be epic.