It's fun for a free game download but the all types of hacks is what spoils 75% of the game fun/gameplay.

User Rating: 2.5 | Gunz The Duel PC
Warning: This is my own opinion so I'm not saying anything offensive unless ur taking it from my talking about the hackers well deal with it. If u hate my reviews then don't look at any of my reviews.

Gunz The Duel
Gunz The Duel is a fun game but the game play at first makes u thing "WHOOAAAA" It's like the best game u ever played. But give it a couple days or a week and u look at the icon on ur desktop and ur like "Ehhh bye bye u use to be fun I'm removing u" and there is the stupidest move ever called the butterfly and when u do it u have to like jump +block then swing + dash move over and over it's really pointless(This ain't a hack but there is a hack for it now look below in Haxors Section) For real everybody hacks now the only ppl that are active are a bunch of hackers. Don't believe me then download it at there site. I use to hack on it I admit the game is really fun hacking on but hacking is for a bunch of nerds that'll get there ip banned but they'll just change it and there characters are trashed. With the hacks u can even kill a high lvl with a lvl1 really quick. This game pointless and I looked on Similar Games on gamespot . Max Payne is like the controls but the gameplay is better.

Ok what kills the fun is that ppl constantly hack and they do like the most they actually made a hack that u can just do the butterfly move with out hitting the keys over and over.Remember Hacking = Ppl that have no skill and will never get any till they turn off the hacks.So that what makes this game very hard it's almost Impossible to get #1 in a game room.

Game Rooms
Also creating ur own games ur suppose to be like the mod of the game u created and ppl can just vote to kick u out how stupid is that and u have a limit on how much u can kick. There is also a hack to take the limit off. Also there's a hack where when u knock a person down they don't even fall down lol how dumb is that. Ppl treat other's like junk they ask how old are u and if a kid says like he's 9-12 they say "Aren't u a little to young to be playing this games u dumb ***" but if I was that kid I would say "Aren't u a little to old to be playing these games 24/7 so get a life" that's what I would of said if I was that kid.

Ppl also hack to spam all day I mean I don't know why ppl think it's so fun to just sit and spam 24/7 what a waste.

Ok the site has really good security since nobody can't find ur username but the thing that like bans hackers from it really stinks they use a really cheap one.

Warning: This is my own opinion so I'm not saying anything offensive unless ur taking it from my talking about the hackers well deal with it. If u hate my reviews then don't look at any of my reviews.