^The other guy doesn't know much about this game^

User Rating: 8.6 | GunValkyrie XBOX
1. Dr. Hebble is not the final boss AT ALL
2. The graphics are better than at about 70% of the games on the xbox, and this came out in 2002, not long after the xbox launch date.
4. The boost is plenty long enough, if you time it right you can almost boost infinitely and half the time you will overshoot the platform your trying to land on and have to boost backwards to reach it
5. I still don't know what the flying whale is supposed to mean, but they're Japanese, what do you expect? (Americans would never think up something like that, they're not creative enough.) Besides it doesn't affect the game in anyway whatsoever.
6. The controls are very similar to any other 3rd person shooter, they only removed ground strafing, because you're supposed to be using your jetpack and it would be wait to easy if you could just run backwards while strafing and shooting all the enemies, plus its not very easy to do that in real life anyway, not that it really matter because its a game, but I just thought I'd point that out. Unfortunately casual gamers, and Halo fanboys will probably hate these controls because they're different, it takes a little while to get used to but once you do, they work perfectly for the game. So I recommend this to HARDCORE GAMERS ONLY who will most likely enjoy this game quite a bit.

Well unfortunately I'm lazy so I don't feel like typing anymore I just don't want people getting the wrong idea about this game. Maybe I will update it later, if I can...