A fun, action packed, and visually pleasing romp.

User Rating: 8.3 | Gunstar Super Heroes GBA
I'm tired tonight, so don't expect a long review. Anyway, lets begin.

Gunstar Super Heroes is the long awaited sequel to the Sega Genesis game by the developer Treasure. People have been waiting for years and years, and the game has been finally released in the USA. Now the question is, was it worth the wait?

Gunstar Super Heroes plays great. In comparison to other run 'n gun shooters, it is phenomenal mainly because of the extreme amount of variety the game boasts. One mission, you will be riding on the back of a ship , the next searching for lost creatures. Its all very clever and well executed. The bosses are also great. There is at least one in every stage, and each one is very different than the next.

The graphics are some of the best on the GBA. Even with tons of stuff going on at once, the framerate remains undroppable. Although most of the game is a 2D side scroller, occasional 3D moments are thrown at you. You can still only move left and right, but the environment and objects look 3 dimensional. It's hard to explain, so I have added a few videos in the media section to show you some of the visuals.

The game all woks very well. The game has a corny story that doesn't really affect the game in negative or positive ways, it's just there. The game is very short, but you're likely to play it more than once.

Bottom Line: This game is great. A worthy sequel indeed. If you like side scrollers, pick this one up for sure. If you don't than why the heck are you reading this review?



A little repetitive
