A good game that many ignored

User Rating: 9.5 | Gunman Chronicles PC
When I first played Gunman Chronicles I was simply amazed. No other game I had ever played until then or have played since then had so much detail in the weapons department. The only thing I consider poor about the game is it's length, at six hours it's not very long, but considering it was made by enthusiasts not profesionals I think it's a testament to their talent. Although, these days a six hour game has become almost standard, and I'm talking about games backed by serious money.
In short, the game is great, you won't find another game with such a high degree of weapon customization, the Chem Gun alone will offer you hours of fun. I just wish a Gunman Chronicles 2 would one day pop up, hopefully using the Source Engine. Until then I recomment do all fans of the first person shoote gender to play this game it's a classic.