I'm done?! That was it?!

User Rating: 7 | GunGriffon Blaze (PlayStation2 the Best) PS2
Gungriffin Blaze is a robot game. It is kind of a rip-off of Mechwarrior and Armored Core. It takes place in the future where the world is split into many groups.

Gameplay-The gameplay is where the game works it's strength. You have a couple of mechs to choose from. They are about the same except their weapons. They are pretty fun to use. You can fly for a little but mostly your on the ground blasting tanks, mechs, and other weird robots. The game is fast paced and it puts you in the action. The enemies are really dumb though. The missions are fun and different but there are only 5 or 6. Most of the missions just pit you against hoards of enemies so it's fairly simple. The reason the gameplays so fun is it's so fast paced and action packed.

Graphics-By today's standards, the graphics would be fair at best. But since this was one of the first PS2 games ever, I'll give it a 7. The environments are pretty bland. The mechs are the same too. Everything is just kind of bland with nothing special. There is minimal slowdown though and the hud is very well done.

Sound-Music is the standard futuristic style. The guns sound pretty good and explosions are beefy. There is some voice chatter that is ok too. Good.

Value-There is barely any game in this at all. There are only either 5 or 6 levels (I can't remember). There is no multiplayer at all either. The only thing there is to do after you beat the 5 hour campaign is to play it through again for better ratings and to unlock things like mechs and weapons.

This would have been a better game if they put in some more levels or multiplayer or something. This is a rent. Do not buy this, no matter how much you want it or who you are.