A great budget game, its also just plain fun.

User Rating: 8.6 | Gungrave OD PS2
Wow, what a treasure. Im sure glad I was able to pick this great game, definetly pick it up. Gameplay:You shoot your way throw everything, hit all types of enemies, all types of background objects like chairs or boxes. Enemies are very generic, but still fun to blast away. The game also gives you two health bars Red and Blue, blue can be regenerated when you wait in a quiet room. The game is very unforgiving at times, especially on hard or kick-ass. You can play 3 characters Grave,Juji, and RB(Rocket Billy, my favorite), one of the best parts of the game is the demolition shots, THERE BAD A$$!! Graphics: To be honest, the game looks like a PS1 game. Its jaggy and everything, but the art style is by the dude who made Trigun, The cutscenes also look good. But still, it looks pretty bad. Sound: The radio chatter will definetly get on your nerves, especially during some hard boss fights, but thankfully you can just turn off all the annoying scenes or radio chatter. The voice acting is ok, Juji is voiced by Master from Metal Gear Solid, Billy sounds like a texan or a guy from the 50's, Grave doesnt speak. The gun sounds are pretty good, its ok. Value: Tons of value from, Boss rush,Enemy rush, play movies,play sound effects, alternate characters, rate of fire increse. Plus the game is just fun to play through twice or 40 times. In the end, its probably the greatest budget game ive ever played.