The game is good, It's just the people that gets you ticked off!

User Rating: 6.8 | GunBound PC
Gunbound is a shooting game similar to worms. You charge up the bar to determine how far the shot will go. Once you get used to it, it's pretty easy. The game has lots of cool things, like avatars that increase damage, defence, or health, and items that enable shooting twice and teleporting accross the map. It's pretty cool, but once you leave the n00b zone, the fun starts to dissapear. Once out of the actually civilized newbie zone, you wind up in a new zone where people will get mad at you for missing at all, kill stealing, cheap shots, and healing. Then there's the other team who JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA at you, every time you screw up. The communication is terrible because most games, you're playing with people who don't speak a language you know.