Many hours of constant entertainment or an entire month regreting why you have installed it on your Hard drive.

User Rating: 6.7 | GunBound PC
What we have here… Another Korean-made game attainable for download. Dude, have you ever wondered how many games like this are spread across the Internet nowadays? Hundreds and hundreds, and all of them are highly addictive for some people, highly boring for others. I like it, I’ve already spent hours and hours playing this, and I didn’t see any problem about it. Actually, I guess it’s really fun sometimes, but games like those, especially made by people who like “Level-Up style” games, it’s not that good. 40% of the people who play Gunbound find it somehow fun, but it gets boring after a while. The main commentary afterwards is similar: “This game has nothing special. It’s just a Korean production, and only nerds or high addictive people continue play after weeks”. This commentary is somehow talks about the reality that happens… hey, this game is nice for the ones who want some time spent with cartoonish strategy games, you know... I believe it’s not that bad. You can try it out, get in touch with some people throughout the globe, and use your head to give respectful hitting attempts during the game lol. Otherwise, just pretend that this On-line kiddish game has never been created before.