A nice enjoyable game, however it is full of glitches, lacks mantainance and can get boring at times.

User Rating: 6.4 | GunBound PC
Gunbound World Champion, is a nice little addictive, FREE game. Well i have to immediately give it a plus just because it is free, although it has an option to be payed. So what is Gunbound? It is a simple game that resembles worms, however, instead of psycotich worms, you use mobiles or bots, to fight each other. The game is nice because it includes a nice variety of mostly well balanced mobiles, each with two types of shot and each with their special shot. The game also has items which you can use to strategically plant on an enemy at the best time. The game mechanics are simple, which makes it good for playing it over short periods of time, like those times when their is not enough time to play GTA or other longer games.
It is very nice to see the fact that the game has a mostly working delay system, which makes sure that as you use more powerful shots, like secondary or special shots or tiems, that person gets less turns. Now, to briefly explain, this game works with two teams of 1-4 people per team, and each team tries to eliminate the other team before they get killed. The point of the game is to win matches to collect money and GP to raise ranks. Now you can see were the addicting part of this game comes from. I am not going to concentrate more on the gameplay, lets move to the technical parts.
The graphics are extremely simple, but not to the point were they are oversimplistic and look like the creator was too busy with something else, they however are very childish like and are 2D except for the background which is more 3D like. The sound of this game however, is something i definitely hate. The music is all childish, reapitingly, and at points it seems very innapropiate music for a game which involves blasting your enemies. The music, for most part, remains off in my games. The sound effects however are good and NECESSARY as if not you will miss the wind changes and you will mess up your shots...yea very nice to know that if you are a person that cant play with sound. The game however, has the nice fact that its not story based, its just a big multiplayer game so it is nice the fact that its an endless experience you could say. However, there is one aspect that might get on most peoples nerve, and its the lack of interest that the producers seem to have on the game. Sure there are events and avatars (power ups) coming on to the game at a nice speed, however, there are many glitches on the game and many abusers. The glitches can range from you not hitting someone to you winning money when you are supposed to lose money etc. And as for abusers there seems to be not much control.
Overall, this is a nice fun game to pass lunchbreaks with, and also to play with people you know. It is an excellent multiplayer game however, it lacks dedication and review.