At first i didnt understand it but when u get the hang of things it will own ur life.

User Rating: 9.5 | GunBound PC
A total must have. U will play till u have enough gold to totally master the competition. U can always find a game and play right away anytime. Plays great and its highly addictive. The sound fits with the game but u might wanna turn on ur own tunes after several hours. The graphics may be 2d but they r smooth and well designed. U will eventually want to buy some better gear but I recomend waiting till u have alota cash so that u can permanently have ur stuff so i wait til i have 40000 then i buy some cheap gear and get the thing for life its a great deal. The upgrades are smart, funny, and well designed. After a couple days ull want em. Although anyone can beat anyone if they r a good shot. Of course luck helps but still. Goood Luck
Seeya on the battlefield.