Gunbound feels a bit out of date, but it's still fairly enjoyable.

User Rating: 6.2 | GunBound PC
There are quite a few free online games out there, and Gunbound is actually one of those free online games. It is available to download at, and within the site shows a few guides, a free board, and many other things for the community to enjoy. Even though Gunbound is free, is it actually worth downloading? Gunbound is a free online multi-player game (or an MMORPG if you want to call it that) that is available to download, obviously for free. Basically, you go to the website, create an account, and in 5 minutes, you'll be ready to start playing Gunbound. Log into the Gunbound game and your ready to go. Well, that's about how linear it's going to get. Once you find a server to join out of the many servers available (12 as of now), you can be able to join a game and actually start playing. So, what is wrong with this game, you ask? Well, simple enough, the community is what's really bringing this game down. Barely starting out, entering a room is easy enough. Actually beginning a game is very hard to accomplish. Seeing how you have barely started playing, players who are higher ranked than you will start cussing at you and calling you a "noob" (which seems like everyone has been doing this in every online game) and either kick you out of the game or just continue to cuss out at you until you leave the room. The community is basically crap, and you'll have to deal with them one way or the other. Even on the free boards on Gunbound's website shows the stupidity of the community. It's very rough starting out in Gunbound around this time. If you can deal with this, you might have some fun afterwards. Basically, Gunbound is a simple 2D shooting game. You have to memorize angles and use items wisely if you wish to achieve a high rank. If you ever played Worms, Gunbound is very similar to that of Worms, adding a few new features. There are over 10 maps to choose from, and plenty of unique mobiles to use. Items are also a huge factor, and there's about 10 of them, although only 3 are used very often than others. Graphic wise, Gunbound looks as mediocre as a 2D game can get. Some levels and background look very pretty, but everything else seems like it was just slapped in as quickly as possible. Some avatars also look a bit out of detail, and the final result looks too messy and unoriginal for the community. Gunbound's sound screws up part of the game indefinitely. About 3 tracks are available in Gunbound, and they definitely get repetitive throughout the time you actually play Gunbound. Some of the other sounds, like the movement sounds of the mobiles don't add a nice of touch as it good have. Instead, you got broken down sounds of mobiles, that they don't even sound like they should sound like. Now, back to the community part of the game. If you can actually get past the horrible community of Gunbound, and actually rank yourself up and buy some nice looking avatars, you could have yourself a very enjoyable game, which will keep you occupied for quite a while. Gunbound holds a good amount of events each year, and some of them might interest you so you might have some fun with that. However, Gunbound isn't as good as it could have been. There's not much of a reason to really be anxious and download this game. The ruthless community really brings the game down, because Gunbound is really a fun game to enjoy even with the outdated graphics and below average sound. If possible, if you can get through the community of idiots, Gunbound is a game you definitely want to try out. Otherwise, there are other free online games to download for your pleasure. Gunbound doesn't hold up as good as it could have been.