A quarky little animated game that can lead to intense and long games of fun.

User Rating: 7.7 | GunBound PC
Gunbound for the pc is a great well I don't no what kind of classification you would give this game. The objective is to destroy the other person using your vehicle to shoot them and stuff.

Gameplay: The gameplay in this game is very innovative and creative. You put many factors into play when you try to shoot your opponents. These factors range from the angle of your shot, the wind, your weapon, and vehicle. This means the game requires you to actually think and use some of your math skills. Yes, math skills. Although it doesn't sound like fun it is highly addicting. Some problems in gameplay is that you rely on your teamates and if they lag out or leave you are basically screwed. Also, players a certain amount of time to take before they shoot and you can get bored waiting for them to finish because only one person can go at a time. After winning games you get gold and you can use that gold to buy items for your avatar. Items help your vehicle and add stats.

Graphics: Depending on your tastes this game can look utterly disgusting or simply beautiful. To me this game looks simply beautiful. Try imagining a 2d word inside a 3d world. Yes, it is hard to explain but this game looks really beautiful. There are loads and loads of colors and things going on all around you. The variety of ships all look different and you can change the look of your character.

Sound: Again the sound in this game is a matter of taste. Some people will be delited with the joyful and quarky music going on all the time in this games while others would be thrown off.

Value: This game is free and replay value in this game is excellent as you will be playing it over and over if you get into it.

Conclusion: Give this game a shot. It's free and worth at least a trial. Heck, you might like it.