Great looking shooter than explored new territory in gaming, but sadly, it fell flat.

User Rating: 4 | Gun X360
Ok, I just purchased Gun and I figured it would be a great game. You know, awesome topic, looked like good shooting mechanics, etc. But I was sadly mistaken. From the first mission I played when I was on the ferry, the storyline seemed broken and confusing. A guy talks to some random chick, guy gets pissed, he kills the girl. Then he calls Indians out of nowhere to destroy the ship. Why? Where the hell did the Indians come from and why are they on the guy's side. Then the guys get on the ship and you cant tell if they are Indians or just random thugs. Once again, why? Then I tried the shooting mechanics, it felt like a weird mix of first and third person shooter, and it didn't work. On top of all of that, the environment looked like a bad ps1 game type graphics. As I progressed through the game the story just got worse and worse and the graphics pretty much stayed the same, they couldn't really get any worse. I mean, if I played this on ps2 or xbox, it would be different. They did make the same game for both those systems, but I think people have come to expect a little more from 360 games than they did from xbox or ps2 games, which they should, seeing as how the 360 is the new generation of consoles and with a new generation should come better graphics, not worse graphics.. But beyond all of this, it pains me to say that there was one good thing about the game, the horses. The horseback riding was awesome, if anybody has played Assassins Creed you'll know what I'm talking about. Overall, this game seemed like it had some great potential and could have been the next Halo or Call of Duty. But, sadly, bad shooting mechanics, bad graphics, and a weak and confusing storyline held this game back.