Short and sweet.

User Rating: 6.5 | Gun GC
At first the game seemed to be like a GTA game, but after playing through it in about 9-10 hours, it was short.

The story of the game is very realistic for the time period. The main plot is revenge but with various twists and turns, it ends with a heroic climax. The main story missions had very different gameplay, and the areas are completely different.

The graphics of the game are very well put together. The environments are rendered perfectly for the "Old West" feel. The cutscenes explained the most important parts of the story, and with perfectly motion captured sequences, they start to feel like movies. The in game graphics are a bit on the outdated side but the overall visuals of the game are brilliant.

The sound of Gun was carefully made. The voice acting of the characters was done by professional and famous actors. The main character's voice was done by the actor who played Frank Castle in Punisher. The gunshots were all recorded from the actual guns. The screams and ambient sounds heard during the game make for a solid "Old West" feeling.

The game weakens when it comes to gameplay. The main story missions are exciting but they make points of the plot that should take hours to resolve seem like they happened instantly. The side missions seem to exist to make the player bored out of their minds. They are repetitive, such as the ranching missions and the poker tourneys.

This game was good until the story was over in less than 10 hours. I suggest you rent the game on Gamefly of whatever and play it. Buying this game would be an excuse to waste money.