One of the best Guitar Hero games to date, it's essential for fans of the series and new comers to the genre alike.

User Rating: 8.5 | Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock WII
(This review is written by a Guitar Hero fan who plays on the expert difficulty, so experience may differ, depending what difficulty you play on)

I've been a fan of Guitar Hero ever since Guitar Hero 3 came out.
When I heard about this game, I was more pumped than usual about the latest Guitar Hero. After being a bit disappointed with World Tour, my interest in the franchise waned and I never bothered getting the other Guitar Heroes in the franchise. Then I played the awesome GH5 and GH Metallica and straight away, I knew I wanted this game, more so because the set list looked the best, and for me it is. Music wise, GH takes it back to the roots of the franchise, with pure rock music. Since 5's set list was stuffed in with all these different music genres I was very pleased with the songs that were chosen here.
Some dont really fit though, and I was left wondering why they were there, no matter how good the song was eg. Bleed It Out and Bohemian Raphsody, the latter played almost entirely in piano.
Don't get me wrong, these are awesome, awesome songs but they just didn't fit with Guitar Hero, well the guitar part anyway, since I played through the story on that only :P
Speaking of which, Warriors Of Rock tries to add a story into the game. This attempt has been seen previously, but it's more evident here.
It still doesn't matter, because the story is pretty weak, and not much happens. Basically, the demigod of rock is sealed in a stone tomb by something called "the beast," a giant robot looking thing.
a bunch of warriors are chosen ( the characters form previous guitar hero titles) to free the demigod and take down the beast with their awesome rock powers. Most of the games story is spent trying to get the characters into their "Warrior Form" where they basically turn into monster looking things powerful enough to destroy the beast. This is done by performing songs and earning stars, which can go much higher than just 5.
Each character plays a specific genre only, Johnny Napalm is punk, Lars Umlaut is metal and so on.
It gets tedious, because most of all I just wanted to unlock a bunch of songs that aren't available until you finish the game. Having to play through songs I didn't care about isn't very fun hence, I finished the game in two days. The game forces you to do this if you want to play the awesome (and more challenging) songs, and this is my main gripe with the game.
Also, each character has a special power which help you get stars. Once the game is finished you can play as the demigod of rock who is "all powerful" and it's pretty much impossible to fail which is nice with songs like Fury Of The Storm. The famous party play has returned, which lets anyone drop in/drop out of a game mid song and as the title suggests, it's great for parties. Multiplayer is still great fun, supporting drums guitar and microphone, any combination of instruments is allowed.
Graphics are improved over the Wii version of GH5, notes look shinier and characters look better but some things look pretty chunky.
In the end, Warriors Of Rock is an incredibly stellar entry to the series, and a great farewell to the neversoft era.