Review of GH for the DS =]

User Rating: 6 | Guitar Hero: On Tour DS
hmmm....where do I start?
on the one hand, GH for the DS seemed like a genius idea- taking GH wherever I went appealed to me.
on the downside, it's only a track list of 25 songs, and you replay them in each difficulty level, which gets a little repetitive. most of the tracks chosen on here seem to be aimed at more 'mainstream' music fans rather than die-hard GH players, and the songs don't actually seem to follow a pattern: it's more as if they've been chosen for rhythm rather than amazing guitar riffs.
The only songs i was impressed with were Daughtry's 'what I want' and Blink-182's 'all the small things'. other than that, there were no other songs that really stood out for me. I mean, maroon 5? on a Guitar hero game?! what were they thinking?

With the track listing out of the way, theres the controls..
I wasn't expecting much seeings as you can't really get the whole GH experience without the actual guitar, but even so, I must say I was impressed with how the guitar grip included was set up. even the stylus was shaped like a pick, which was pretty cool. The strumming was pretty accurate, and like the GH games for PS2 etc, you can choose your guitar and character, although there are some limitations to this, as obviously they had to downsize it for the DS.
The graphics are good, and the screen set up was true to the original.

Gameplay is pretty fun, but I found even the hard levels too easy. And you have to take breaks in between 5 minutes of play as you have to hold your DS with the grip in such a way that your wrist starts to really hurt after a while.

As with all games, it has its bad points, but overall, GH: on tour is a good attempt at bringing GH to DS, but I think it's gonna need a little work before it's an amazing follow up to the PS2/wii/Xbox versions. I Think people who've never played the other versions of GH will probably enjoy this, but people who are obsessed with the original guitar hero series won't really benifit and will probably, as I did, complete the game in about a day or so.