i was expecting more than this... i think i played this for one day and got bored never touched it again. bad game.. sad

User Rating: 3 | Guitar Hero: On Tour DS
When i heard there was going to be a guitar hero for the ds i was actually excited thinking it would be pretty fun to play on the go. and guitar hero for a portable system like how cool is that! well turns out i am wrong =(. i bought this game and played it for one day and i got bored. the graphics are poor, not great songs, gets boring very quick, only like 20 songs. this is a bad game and they rushed it should have taken more time into it. I really recomend not purchasing this game it is a big waste of money and time just stick with guitar hero 2 and 3 this game is not worth it... but if you are planning on buying it i would watch some videos on it first just to show you if its really worth spending like 40$ on a game like this. =( i really do love guitar hero but this was pathetic enough said...