Guitar Hero 3 does a fine resurrection to it's name, featuring classic songs and killer solos

User Rating: 9 | Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock X360
When I played Guitar Hero back in the day, the songs were classic, and you just had fun playing them over and over again. Guitar Hero 3 does a great Job bringing that back with boss battles and a variety of outfits, styles, guitars, songs and online play.


What more could you want out of a Guitar Hero game? Great songs and realistic solos that have you go up and down your fret board, I couldn't ask for more.


The visuals are an improvement since the last guitar hero, but you'll be too busy rocking out than paying attention to the background. Replayability

4 Difficulties, Online Play, Co-op with a friend, and a website that keeps statistics, tournaments and more, this is what Guitar Hero always should've been. Review of the Les Paul Wireless Guitar

Freedom is always something we fight for, and it is a great thing to have, but is that the case for this bundle?

Playing with the Les Paul made me feel no different than any other guitar out there except that the fact that it is wireless and the whammy bar feels more "springy", which is a good thing. The Sticker Pack that it came with is hard to say whether or not it is actually themed with the black faceplate it came with, but are worth saving for others. I actually think that faceplates will be the deciding factor, after all, different themes on the Les Paul do look good, even on the neck of the guitar, oh did i mention its detachable? Good for traveling and fitting it into tight spaces.

Overall the Les Paul is only worth buying if you have the money and want to feel up to part with everyone else. Customizable faceplates and no wires make it feel like a real guitar.

This game may be hated by others or thought lowly than Guitar Hero 2, but overall i think Guitar Hero 2 was a let down for the whole franchise, but then this game was born.