GH3 is a very Solid Game with a Very Awesome Story mode

User Rating: 9 | Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock PS2

Ok this game for startes is like any other GH game it has A certain Type of Learing Curve depending on what diffuculty you put it on

Graphics 3/5- Well for the PS2 its pretty good the games graphics are better on 360 and PS3 but are Average for PS2

Songs 5/5 The Songs in this game are just Awesome and with popular songs Like Welcome to the jungle and Rock and Roll all Nite Cult of Personality ect are all great songs to play

Story Mode 4/5 i said its a very awesome story mode but its quite short but is Entertaining Enough i mean Encores and Rock Off Battles Surley Make up for the story being short

Multiplayer 3/5 Since its on the PS2 you pretty Much just either do rock offs or co op Story mode nothing that special

Unlocks 5/5 The Unlockable Content for this game is awesome you can unlock songs Guitars and Even Slash but no Grim Reaper like in the Previous games but they have a better Replacement in Luoie or Lucifer

FINAL VERDICT 9.0 out of 10 this game is 1 exciting game that can keep you intrested in playing it more and is a step up from where GH 2 left off pretty much meaning it was nothing more but a Sucessful Squel