A stripped version of Guitar Hero 2

User Rating: 8 | Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s PS2
I give guitar hero 80's edition an 8.2 but I can't because of the gamespot. This game is pretty mucyh it's predecessor but striped down. It has 2 less chracters, the same guitars and venues. Basically you're paying $50 bucks for less than guitar hero 2. The only thing that changed was the songs and the characters changed slightly. I am not saying this game sucked but it could of been alot better. The songs in this game are pretty decent.But there is only 30 songs. They are not the best 80's song but they are still worth playing. i mainly wanted to play it because one of the best 80's songs "I ran". I recommend that you play that song first. This game even seemed a lot easier than the previous one. I don't really recommend this game that much because of the price. But if you can find it for $25 or even $30 then get it.