If you want guitarhero 5, get the next gen versions or if you must have a guitar hero on PS2, Get worldtour and skipthis

User Rating: 4 | Guitar Hero 5 PS2
The Good:.Decent setlist.Real rockers.
The Bad:Missing just about all the new stuff from the absymal Stripped down version of free play,Making your own band,to no music studio. Long load times. A really dissapointing version of a fantastic game.Not every song on the disk is likable

Hey remember the perfect 10 review of guitar hero 5 on the xbox360(my review)Well if your a PS2 owner please do yourself a faver and dont pick up guitar hero 5 the PS2, because your getting a stripped down version of an awesome game.

First thing you notice is the tittle screen has a wallpaper and there isnt any band members playing a song you could of jumped in in the next gens, but then you press start then you notice free play is there but the game ask you if you if you wanna play band or single, its also missing band creater(making so you didnt be someone you didnt want to be in the nextgens)and music studio.

Okay you wanna buy it anyways but before i wrap the review, be prepared for tons, upon tons, upon tons,of loading screen. it takes a freaken minute to load a single song. Atleast it doesnt crash like smash hits,but id even recomend that over this.

Guitar hero 5 on the PS2 is big dissapointment. If you want guitarhero 5, get the next gen versions or if you must have a guitar hero on PS2, Get worldtour and skip this version. Its better playing it(Xbox360 Ps3 Wii) then leaving it to collect dust (PS2:( )