this is a must-have for any racing enthusiast-an incredible driving experience, very varied gameplay-fun and frustrating

User Rating: 8.8 | GT Legends PC
you start off with only a couple of cars to choose from, both of which are very low powered-a mini or a cortina.You may think that these will be boring to drive, as are low poweres cars in games such as the gran tourismo series, but youd be wrong.Unlike the monsters later in the game, theyre grippy, and you dont have to be delicate and gentle -you can throw them bout and have some fun pulling off audacious manouvres, great fun. Later in the game, you get super-light chassis, with a giant engine plonked on top, such as the porsche 911 series cars, which light up their tires so easily, and throttle control must be extremely precise, otherwise you risk huge oversteer as you accelerate through a corner-often, in these cars, you will find yourself hurtling towards corners at what seems impossibly high speeds, so you brake, and fall way short of the corner-its extremely hard to judge their braking and accelerating power
overall, the game, although in its later stages high skill is required, provides something for everyone, from fun and easy to drive minis to dangerously fast and hard to drive bmws and porsches, a brilliant game, with a few graphical glitches, but well worth buying(but for gods sake buy a proper controller or wheel-you'll soon start hitting the keyboard if you dont)