Very cute and fun while it lasts.

User Rating: 6.2 | Gremlins: Stripe vs Gizmo GBA
But it's over, quite literally, in minutes. You could honestly finish the whole game in under 20 minutes, I kid you not. Basically, there are 4 ways to play Gremlins: Stripe vs Gizmo. You can the play as the very cute Gizmo, running around the various levels (The Chinese Junk Shop, The Bank, The Police Station, The Cinema, The Firehouse and The Final Encounter) collecting presents stolen by Stripe either at your own pace or in a time attack (against the clock). Or you can play as Stripe, stealing all the presents from Gizmo (is he a Gremlin or a Grinch) at your own pace or in a time attack. And that's it.

Despite being really short, the graphics are great and the sound effects and music are entertaining enough. So much more could have been made of this game and of the franchise. Since the game includes characters from Gremlins 2 it's puzzling why they never merged them both together into something bigger. The level designs are fun and gameplay easy to get the hang of, but it's too much of a kid's game.

Not a bad game by any means, but just too short. Give it a go if you can find it cheap.