Well im writting this review after playing Max'd but whatever

User Rating: 6.8 | Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball XBOX
So this game is good but almost a discrace to what most paintball players want in a game

Short and Sweet P and C
It's paintball on XBOX!
It's good team sport, and i think its helping spread the love for hte sport
Fun to play usually

Mario has better graphics almost
Oppozing Players are Terribly stupid and hard to see from almost anywhere but right smack dab in front of you
No customizable gear
No team commanding
No Communication with your team (biggest part of paintball)
No field making
Bad fields all old school NPPL style
Only like 12 guns to buy (when there are like 500 in real life)
Online blows, everyone uses turbo and glitches (this is the same for Max'd)
**** music

I wouldnt buy it , but if you like paintball, buy maxed