The best paintball video game out right now.

User Rating: 9.1 | Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball XBOX
I'll get strait to the point. This is the best paintball video game out right now. The AI is one of the smartest around. He won't charge bunkers when he knows your in it. Your teammates are very helpful, often getting at least 30% of the opposing team. The controls are very simple, with no fancy combinations to press. The graphics are very good for this type of game. The tournament mode, or as I like to call it, the Story Mode, shows your small town team advance to the eventual world cup and other international tournaments. The most famous paintball fields are all here, such as SC Village, Huntington Beach, Tokyo, and other destinations around the US and Europe. Over 150 guns, masks, and clothing items are up for sale. For anyone who knows paintball, there are guns ranging from Spyders to DM5s and high end Autocockers. The Xbox Live feature is one of the reasons I signed onto it. One of the best feelings is just running up and bunkering your opponents while everyone is cursing at you. Overall I would give this game a 9.0, because it’s good, but it gets very repetitive by the end of the very long tournaments.