It puts you IN a paintball tournament, not just a try to hit the other guy, but with paint kind of game.

User Rating: 9.1 | Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball XBOX
I play paintball, so I was out looking for a game that would give me a paintball experience for a rainy day or the like. What I found was Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball. Now, let me say that I have seen some pretty bad paintball games out there. This aint one of them. I popped it in my X-Box and had a good first impression; it had a stunning intro movie that had some great paintball action shots. Once I got into the game I was even more impressed. It puts you IN a paintball tournament, not just a “try to hit the other guy, but with paint” kind of game. You really have to use the bunkers, leaning out at the right moment and all of that good stuff. This is finally a paintball game that is not a cheapo like all of its predecessors. First off, the graphics are great, I mean, I’ve seen better but I have also seen much worse. Other players may seem a little chunky at times but it’s not much of an issue. The bunkers look very real and the marker that you carry around looks very good. It also has good animations, like filling you hopper with a pod, your player hand reaches out, opens the lid on the hopper, brings a pod over, fills it up, and puts the lid back down. Not some chap, "gun flies off the screen for a few seconds" kind of thing. The AI is great, they don’t just run out into the open and get shot, they really use the bunkers, and shoot pretty accurately, on both sides, not just yours L haha I need a good challenge. The sound isn’t the best but is pretty good, it can sometimes be a little annoying, especially when you teammates get shot they will sometimes yell somthing like, “WHAT NO WAY NO NO NOOOOOOOO.” This gets annoying after about two times. Other times they will say something like, “am I out???” Yes, it’s weird. When it comes down to it, this is a well put together game. Although I did say I play paintball, it will appeal more to paintball players, but I think most anybody will enjoy it.