A game worth the time. You don't need to know Japanese to enjoy this game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Great Battle Fullblast PSP
This game is a fun, side scrolling game. This game uses a lot of characters from Japanese television series. U don't need to know about the different characters to enjoy this game, although a little research on the characters can help u understand and make good use of the characters skills. This game is a good blend of the three series. It gives a few characters to play as through the levels, with a range of support characters from all the different past series. With each level having three parts to them. starting a level with a basic objective of getting to the end of the stage, the second depends on the characters being used for the level and choosing one of three being used affects the objective of the second stage, The final stage you must get to the end and then defeat the boss. While with the three characters chosen, when you have lost all of them in the boss fight, you will re-spawn a few steps away from the boss fight area.